Party Shirt International

Riding in the Party Shirt International “Melon Baller”
One of my friends, Dan, is always happy to explain his personal motto to the uninitiated: ABC - Always Be Collared. A collared shirt ads a touch of class, a hint of professionalism, and a note of confidence to any activity. The folks at Party Shirt International agree. They make lightweight, stretchy, wicking collared shirts for every activity. I am a sweaty man, and the Mellon Baller shirt I’ve been wearing wicks as well as any of my bike-specific jerseys. It’s comfortable and airy, even in the heat of summer.
Off the bike, it looks a lot better than a sweaty jersey. For any situation that requires dressing up, but also might get strenuous (think barbecues, weddings, croquet games), a Party Shirt sets you up for success. They’ve got a bunch of rad patterns, and at $55, they’re right in line with, or cheaper than, most formal or sports shirts. I do have one suggestion, consisting of two words: Pearl Snaps. These shirts would be even more ready to party if one could tear them off quickly. Otherwise, an excellent product, even if I do have to fumble with buttons when a lakeside party turns into a lake party.